Tuesday, April 18, 2017

April 18, Tuesday Day 4-Never Go Alone!

Hello Class: Thank you for your note. We are doing well and are now rested. I was so excited to wake up and look outside to start the beginning of our African Adventure. What a view it was! Bridget, our Lodge keeper met me and cautioned me to never to take walks alone-only on the Lodge premises. She will be my escort for morning walks if I would like to go. Of course I would! You will see the bottom picture is actually to the left of our room which is the African terrain for as far as you can see. She pointed out several heads of loping giraffe sprouting out from among the tall trees! Also, she informed me there were all sorts of wild African animals out there from elephants, hippos, baboons to black and white rhinos. Black Mamba and Zebra snakes are around the lodge (you might want to look them up-the most dangerous in all of Africa). Also, leopards and cheetahs (you will never see them, but they will see you..). In the water hole behind me all the animals come together to drink in the dusk and morning hours. We saw impalas, springboks, waterbucks and African geese this morning. The elephants and hippos are not at this lodge now as the terrain is quite green and they prefer a more dry environment. They are present though at the Mt. Etjo Safari Lodge. But when the elephants are there in the dark, you will never hear them, because their hoofs are cushy and they are very quiet. We had a hearty breakfast and lunch (with chocolate cake for dessert!) and this afternoon we went on a mini-safari. Can't wait to tell you what we saw! That is another story for tomorrow.......

Safari Tip: From Professional Hunter Naftari (better than a bushman tracker-according to him): How can you tell which direction a snake will go next? Look for the bushes and sticks they left behind. As they slither, they disturb the ground and depending on which way the sticks or various debris point, that is the way the snake will go.

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