Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Day 3 Monday April 17th. We have Arrived!

Day 3 Monday April 17:

Hello Class: We arrived in Johannesburg, South Africa in the morning and left for Windhoek, Namibia on South African Airlines this day at 1:15. Apollo (picture) from Jan Oelofse Hunting Safaris met us at the airport. Off to the lodge we went-3/12 hours! 35 of those miles we were on rain-washed roads leading into the Mount Etjo Safari Lodge. We arrived in the dark. I  thought we were already there, but were informed the hunting safari lodge was another 1/2 hour away (on even rougher roads!). We saw several (rather shy) jackals (small predator-like coyotes) on the way, as well as an assortment of birds. When we arrived (a big yeah!), all met us (including Bridget, the Lodge keeper and Rudie the Professional Hunter-PH). We were served a fantastic dinner consisting of Eland (largest of African horned-antelope species) and Gemsbok (known as the desert warrior). When we went to sleep that night I was excited to see what we would wake up to. More to come......

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May 1, 2017: Mrs. Janes Returns-Mt. Etjo Students Say Hello to Garden 504 Students!

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