Sunday, April 30, 2017

Day 16, April 30: You are welcome!

Hello Class: Love the picture! You are most welcome and I am so glad you were able to share this adventure with me.
We are now home (arrived yesterday-late afternoon) and are recovering from several days of travel. We consider ourselves very fortunate to have had such a wonderful and exciting African experience.
I promised to show you more about the Jan Oelofse Hunting Lodge we stayed in which is pictured above. In the middle of the set of pictures is the overall lodge (6 rooms) with a photo of the circular viewing room. We met here at the end of every day and discussed everyone's exciting adventures during the day. The above top left picture is the Lapis Dining Room where we had wonderful dinners every night and more grand conversation. The picture to the right is the informal dining room where we ate breakfast and lunch every day. This room had a fantastic wide-open view of the water hole with great animal observations. The bottom left was our very large-long room. The last photo was our view from our room.
I look forward to meeting with you tomorrow and sharing with you the video from the Mt. Etjo Private School students. I have a couple of other quick videos and stories to tell you. I am also excited to hear about what you have learned while on this safari with me.
Until then.......

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May 1, 2017: Mrs. Janes Returns-Mt. Etjo Students Say Hello to Garden 504 Students!

Hello Class: Mrs. Janes has returned from Africa! I enjoyed meeting with you yesterday to share the Mt. Etjo Private School "Hello&...